The Job Search, Among Other Things.

Saturday, August 9, 2008 by Nathan

Well, the job hunt is on the forefront of my mind at the moment. I've applied all sorts of places, TV stations, theaters, retail; even a position installing A/V technology (including the Kaleidascape system-- cool). I've submitted a bunch of applications but none of it seems to be going much of anywhere... which is very frustrating. If you know of anything, or if you're someone who prays, it's always appreciated.

I've had a couple interesting things happen, though. The first is that I saw a friend at Starbuck's yesterday-- he works at Best Buy (where I a have an application in) and offered to put in a word for me with his supervisor. Anyone who knows me knows that would be a good fit, so I'm hoping it'll work out.

Also, I had an acquaintance from my old church message me on facebook the other day, saying that she and her husband are working on some kind of a... business... thing... I have no idea what it's supposed to be, really. Sounds like a pyramid scheme. I told them they could call me about it, but I'm kind of regretting that now. Ah well, the worst that can happen is I find out what it is and it is a pyramid scheme and I have to say no. And the potential upside is having some income from it if it's legit.

I've decided to start going to Vintagenxt regularly for a while. It's a chuch where I have a few friends, and I have really enjoyed visiting there. I don't always like churches where they try to make things seem "new" or "relevant"-- I think trying to appeal to people's sense of cool is an easy path to compromise. Not to mention, when you try too hard to be hip, it never works for long. You might be hip for the next five minutes, but what's popular changes all the time. That stuff you did six months ago that was really, really cool back then? Not so much anymore. So I typically prefer for churches to not even try. Not that they shouldn't change with the times, but they shouldn't bend over backwards to appeal to people on the basis of coolness. Because when they inevitably fail at that, all the people who were there only because it was cool will be gone.

But this church doesn't seem that way, and God has seemed to be speaking as I've gone there. I also like the focus on arts and self-expression around the church. It's not at the expense of the focus on God, it's more the idea that God made you who you are with your interests and your talents, and he wants you to use those and develop those and thank him for them, because that glorifies God. At the service I went to two weeks ago today, they set up areas for different artistic activities like writing, art, music, and even cooking, and also areas to pray. Then we were set loose to express ourselves however we wanted to. It was one of the best, most worshipful church services I've been to in a long time. Also, I played the djembe. ^_^

One last thing: I know most of you that read these are reading them on facebook. If you want to see the post in the context of my actual blog-- which hopefully will start to look cooler, and have more additional content as time goes on, you can visit If you use a feed reader, the site has RSS and Atom feeds you can subscribe to, as well.

Sorry about the long, rambly nature of this post. Hopefully, as I get back into the habit of blogging, posts will be shorter, more concise, and more frequent.

I Wish I Were Kidding.

Friday, August 1, 2008 by Nathan

Please take a moment to pray, cross your fingers, wish upon a star, or whatever for my computer, and my computer situation. My optical drive, my display, and several other things about my computer don't seem to be long for this world. Unfortunately, the thing seems almost destined to flake out on me while I'm job hunting or filling out applications or whatever. I really don't have the money to get a new one, so I need this one to hold out a while longer.

Incidentally, if any of you has an extra computer that you aren't using and I could borrow... again, I really wish I were kidding. <_>

I'll write a real post later tonight, after more stuff gets done.

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Test Post

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 by Nathan

This is a test post to see if it will show up on facebook.

Hello World!

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